Derm #1 Skincare - Siero perfezionante della pelle - Rosacea e difesa dell’acne negli adulti 1 fl oz
Derm #1 Skincare - Siero perfezionante della pelle con prebiotici. Un siero senza olio che aiuta a proteggere dagli stress ambientali quotidiani e dalle impurità che possono causare sblocchi e arrossamento. I prodotti botanici aiutano a ridurre le linee sottili e le rughe. La nostra soluzione completamente naturale di nuova generazione contiene il nostro prebiotico brevettato a base vegetale Prebiotic Activ Technology inventato dalla nostra cofondatrice, Karen Sinclair Drake. Abbiamo potenziato questo siero per il trattamento dell'acne unico nel suo genere con acido salicilico naturale della pianta wintergreen. Perché usare il perossido di benzoile che causa secchezza, prurito e bruciore come riportato dalla FDA quando puoi usare un prodotto naturale, che ha funzionato meglio e più velocemente?
Clinicamente dimostrato di funzionare più velocemente del marchio leader per l'acne. Senza perossido di benzoile. I nostri prodotti di bellezza puliti sono vegani, cruelty-free, realizzati con ingredienti biologici/naturali, senza glutine e rispettosi del pianeta.
Come usare
Utilizzare mattina e sera per ottenere i migliori risultati sulla pelle pulita, tenere lontano dalla zona degli occhi.
1% di acido salicilico a base vegetale* (da estratto naturale di wintergreen) 1% farmaco per l'acne. INGREDIENTI INATTIVI: Aqua (acqua), alcool denat* , glicerina*?, estratto di corteccia di salix nigra (salice nero), estratto di frutta di vaccinium myrtillus (mirtillo rosso), estratto di pinus nigra/ago di frutta*, estratto di frutta di ribes nigrum (ribes nero)*, estratto di corteccia di salix alba (salice bianco)*, estratto di fiori di spiraea ulmaria (parato dolce)?, gomma di xantano, estratto di saccharum officinarum (canna da zucchero), succo di foglie di aloe barbadensis (aloe)*, acido levulinico, estratto di frutta citrus aurantium dulcis (arancia), estratto di frutta di limone agrumi (limone), levulinato di sodio, estratto di acer saccharum (acero da zucchero), sorbato di potassio,
*Ingrediente organico certificatodients
Realizzato con alcol di canna da zucchero biologico? Da fonti vegetali non OGM, la direttiva UE sui cosmetici ha approvato conservanti considerati le alternative naturali per l'uso in prodotti per la cura personale a base più naturale. Prebiotic Activ Technology è un estratto brevettato inventato dalla cofondatrice, Karen Sinclair Drake.
Principio attivo: acido salicilico 1%, scopo: farmaci per l'acne.
Altri ingredienti chiave: glicerina, estratto di corteccia di salice nero, estratto di frutto di mirtillo, estratto di agolo di pino, estratto di frutto di ribes nero, estratto di corteccia di salice bianco.
Queste dichiarazioni non sono state valutate dalla Food and Drug Administration. Questi prodotti non sono destinati a diagnosticare, trattare, curare o prevenire alcuna malattia. Si prega di notare che qualsiasi informazione fornita non ha lo scopo di creare alcuna relazione medico-paziente o soppiantare alcuna consultazione o esame medico di persona. Chiedi sempre il parere di un operatore sanitario qualificato per qualsiasi domanda tu possa avere su una condizione medica e prima di cercare qualsiasi trattamento. L'attenzione medica e il trattamento adeguati dovrebbero sempre essere ricercati per disturbi specifici. Non trascurare mai la consulenza medica professionale o il ritardo nella ricerca di cure mediche a causa delle informazioni ottenute qui.Glossary
Acido salicilico 1%:
Derivato dall'estratto naturale di wintergreen. È un potente agente astringente, antinfiammatorio e cheratolitico che aiuta a rimuovere il sebo in eccesso, le impurità e i detriti superficiali. Wintergreen agisce come un agente intorpidinte e antidolorifico simile al cortisone. Può scongiurare le infezioni (batteriche, fungine e virali) e tonificare la pelle e i capelli.Aqua (water):
Acqua in latino, è la parola usata nell'INCI (Nomenclatura Internazionale degli Ingredienti Cosmetici) per etichettare questo elemento vitale. L'acqua viene utilizzata principalmente in praticamente tutti i cosmetici e i prodotti per la cura personale per sciogliere molti degli ingredienti che conferiscono benefici alla pelle noti come principi attivi. Forma anche emulsioni in cui i componenti dell'olio e dell'acqua della formula sono combinati per produrre creme e lozioni. Queste sono indicate come emulsioni olio-in-acqua o come acqua-olio a seconda dei rapporti delle fasi olio-acqua.
Denatura alcolica:
Prodotto dalla fermentazione di fonti vegetali organiche (zucchero). Un efficace mezzo di estrazione (solvente) per estratti di erbe che elimina sia l'acqua che i nutrienti solubili in olio. Può anche essere usato come conservante naturale.
O glicerolo, viene rilasciato quando un olio viene idrolizzato, come durante la produzione di sapone. Un comune ingrediente cosmetico e alimentare usato come umettante e idratante naturale. La glicerina è una delle creme idratanti per la pelle più antiche e rispettate. È stato dimostrato in molti studi (sia clinici che strumentali) per aumentare il contenuto di umidità della pelle e proteggerla dal diventare secca e squamosa. La glicerina è elencata in tutte le principali farmacopeie ed è ampiamente utilizzata per il trattamento della pelle. La nostra glicerina è prodotta dall'olio di noci di Karanja senza OGM.
Estratto di corteccia di Salix nigra (salice nero):
Una fonte naturale di acido salicilico, un BHA con proprietà cheratolitiche, astringenti e rigenerative. Beneficia la pelle incline all'acne grazie alla sua natura di pulizia dei pori, antisettica, antimicrobica e antinfiammatoria.
Estratto di frutta Vaccinium myrtillus (mirtillo):
Contiene vitamina C, resveratrolo e bioflavonoidi come antocianine, quercitina e acido ellagico. I mirtilli aiutano nel trattamento di infezioni della pelle, ulcere, lividi e vene varicose. I loro potenti antiossidanti proteggono la pelle dagli effetti degenerativi dei radicali liberi e prevengono la scomposizione del collagene. Condizionano la pelle e aumentano la microcircolazione, compresa quella della zona degli occhi, riducendo così la comparsa di linee sottili e rughe.
Pinus nigra bud/needle extract:
provides prebiotic benefits that help mitigate P.acnes bacteria proliferation and combat the aging process. Contains methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) which detoxifies the skin and stimulates its regeneration.
Ribes nigrum (black currant) fruit extract:
chock-full of antioxidants, such as tannins and anthocyanins, that help reduce aging signs and prevent bacterial growth. Black currants have potent anti-inflammatory benefits as well as soften and nourish the skin.
Salix alba (white willow) bark extract:
a natural source of salicylic acid (salicin), a BHA with keratolytic, astringent and regenerative properties. It benefits acne-prone skin due to its pore-clearing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial nature. It also contains antioxidants (phenolic acids) which aid in skin rejuvenation.
Spiraea ulmaria (meadowsweet) flower extract:
has similar properties to slippery elm and willow bark due to its salicylic acid content. High in vitamin C and flavonoids, provides effective astringent, anti-inflammatory, cleansing, toning, tightening and soothing benefits.
Xanthan gum:
produced by bacteria through fermentation of non-GMO corn. This polyssacharide is used in food and cosmetic products as a thickener and stabilizer. Chosen for its natural and GMO-free source as we do not use acrylic (petrochemical sourced) thickeners or part synthetic. Xantham gums provides stability to gels and emulsions.
Saccharum officinarum (sugar cane) extract:
its natural glycolic acid concentration helps the epidermis shed dead skin cells easier and thereby prevent a build-up on its surface. This extract, furthermore, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin of the skin, which results in improved skin texture and smoothness.
Aloe barbadensis leaf juice freeze-dried powder:
has the ability to effectively penetrate and transport healthy substances through the skin. Aloe Vera provides numerous cutaneous skin benefits such as acting as an excellent moisturizer, keeping the skin flexible and supplying oxygen to cells, as well as increasing the strength and synthesis of skin tissue, thus preventing premature aging. Rich in mucopolysaccharides (naturally occurring sugars that keep the skin moist and plump), minerals, amino acids and enzymes, aloe has renowned soothing, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, making it suitable for cuts, grazes, insect bites, sunburn, acne, dermatitis, sensitive and irritated skin.
Levulinic acid:
classified in EU under skin conditioning and perfuming, but also having strong antimicrobial properties. Produced through the modification of non-GMO corn sugars with heat and acid. It is an effective, non-toxic and non-sensitizing preservative. It has no cosmetic restrictions placed on it and is permitted to use in organic formulations by organic certification bodies.
Citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) fruit extract:
rejuvenates the skin due to the action of its AHAs content. A concentrated source of vitamin C and flavonoids; orange nourishes, enriches and improves the skins elasticity while encouraging cellular activity and new cell growth. It helps reduce swollen tissue and stimulates the lymph system. Orange helps heal dry/irritated skin and it is extremely useful in treating broken capillaries and mild varicose veins (astringent). It has antiseptic and bactericide properties, therefore improving acne-prone skin.
Citrus limon (lemon) fruit extract:
tones and refreshes the skin, contains high levels of Vitamin C and AHAs which brighten the complexion. It has antibacterial, astringent and cell- regenerative properties. Lemon also helps heal dry, rough and chapped skin.
Sodium levulinate:
it is the sodium salt of levulinic acid, thus has similar properties. It is used as a EU approved preservative (inhibits microbial proliferation) and skin conditioning agent. It is derived from non GMO-corn.
Acer saccharum (sugar maple) extract:
like all sugars, it is an extraordinary humectant. Rich in trace minerals and zinc which balance oil production. It contains AHAs in their whole food format and antioxidants that keep premature aging at bay by exfoliating surface build-up as well as neutralizing the effect of environmental aggressors.
Potassium sorbate:
this is the potassium salt of sorbic acid. Our primary concern is the health and safety of those using our products. With that in mind, we must balance producing the most natural/organic product with producing a microbially safe and stable product. While sorbic acid is found in nature, its not yet produced from a plant source. For this reason it has been necessary in some of the products to add a synthetic antimicrobial. Its a man-made preservative allowed in both food and cosmetics and permitted by organic certification bodies in cosmetics.
Citric acid:
an alpha hydroxy acid found naturally in citrus fruits. Used in our products at very low levels to regulate acidity to match the natural pH of the skin. Permitted food ingredient and by organic certification agencies; it is produced through bacterial fermentation of sugar.
Sodium benzoate:
is a synthetic preservative approved for use worldwide and is included on the European Union Cosmetics Directive oePositive List (Europe has banned more than 1,200 ingredients due to safety concerns). It has also been approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare in both rinse-off and leave-in applications. Japan, like Europe, abide by the most stringent criteria in the world concerning what ingredients can be used in personal care products to also keep the product itself free from harmful contamination. Europe?s comform level with the safety data associated with this permitted preservative is clearly reassuring.
G Tucker
I had both acne and rosacea at the same time and this worked well at clearing my spotty red face up. The Doctor told me to continue using it which I did and to date Ive had no new breakouts and its actually helped my skin to heal to where it now looks healthy and clear. I wont be giving this up any time soon. G Tucker, Oija
Jon, CA
I dont even think of this as an acne medication because it looks like and feels like high-end skincare. My skin feels fresh and clean each time I use it.
Letitia, Indiana
Best product Ive ever used for clearing up acne fast and making my skin look healthier.
Justine TN
My skin has cleared up very quickly since using this serum. I havent experienced any breakouts in a while. Just ordered the cleanser and mask. Cant wait to try!
JC Maurey, Glendale
I bought this specifically for the breakouts on my forehead and this Serum got rid of them! Its been years since Ive had such a clear, healthy-looking forehead. The rest of my face looks amazing too!
Sammy, Las Vegas
This is great deluxe serum for treating active breakouts and texture, it definitely was able to tackle stubborn spots and prevent them from coming back. Ive also noticed after about a week that zit scars have slightly faded making my complexion look brighter. Im going to continue using to see how much clearer and brighter my face gets.
Trease, AZ
It helps to keep my pores unclogged, I have had less breakouts and it made my skin tone more even. I love it and will buy it again.
Claudia R, Chatanooga
I bought this for my partner to use to help prevent ingrowing hairs from shaving and to lighten up some areas of scarring and pigmentation. It has helped to smooth his skin and its not irritating. Ive just ordered the Enzyme Cleanser and Mud Mask so he has a regime to use.
Enrique, Nevada
As a guy who dealt with bad acne and breakouts in my teenage years which left many dark spots and scars, they follow me to this day. When my girlfriend discovered this it was a game changer. I put it on right after washing my face and its faded my dark/red spots and I havent had a zit since.
Sean T, Naples
As There can be a lot of BS in the world of skincare, but I love this brand for keeping their products affordable, irritant-free, and potent i.e. the main ingredient that is advertised on the label is actually high on the ingredients list like the prebiotics. I like to apply it on damp skin directly after cleansing to optimize the absorption of whichever serums/moisturizers follow. The change to my skin is apparent with every use it makes my skin more even in terms of both texture and discoloration. This is one product in a pretty small list of must-haves in my kit!
Lauren, NC
As This did work for my acne breakouts, I just wish it had more of a perfume smell to it.
Jamillae Beverly Hills, FL
By far the best acne product Ive ever used. Ive tried and failed with lots. This cleared up my mild acne breakouts by the first week. Have kept using it daily so it doesnt return. Have ordered the clear system.
Elija Feuntes
Its not like using an acne treatment. I think this is a premium product. Would prefer it in a tube. Am happy with how my skin looks and feels.
M Folkeston / Verified Purchase
My skin-savior! Got acne later in life (ugh!!) and didnt want to feel like a teenager using benzoyl peroxide, so my derm turned me onto this product which uses prebiotic technology. I can feel it is better for skin and within a week, the acne was gone. I use daily to prevent any breakouts and layer with their Antioxidant Serum.
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